What is love?


Love can be defined in many ways. Love is what brings people together. Love is what makes the world go round and round. Without love we will all be lost, and it will become a deadly place. Love is wanting the best for them, even though you gave them the best of you and they thought it wasn’t enough. Love is making time for them even though your schedule is busy. Love is ordering extra fries because you know they will get hungry later. Love isn’t always easy, sometimes it can be hard. Love is always seeing the good in them, even though it’s hurting you in the end. Love is when you feel the butterflies in your stomach when you speak to them. Love is when you are willing to put yourself through hell because you know they’re worth it. Love is complex. Love can be full of mixed emotions and beliefs. We always hear songs about love but love is hard to explain sometimes. Someone told me that “it is better to lose your pride with someone you love, rather than to lose that someone you love with your useless pride”. Love is sacrifice. Love is giving your all no matter what. Love is when your head over heels for someone or something. My friend Ryan said “Love is trust. Most importantly love is an unmovable force that is completely unmatched. ” Love can sometimes drive you crazy, but it also can make you the happiest you’ve ever been. No matter how much you try to deny love, you can’t. It’s the most uncontrollable and unpredictable emotion.

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A little bit of heartbreak in this new “dating” world

2016 has been very hellish for me. There has been a ton of loss. I have dealt with a new kind of loss; the loss of a person who is still alive. In March I went through a very ugly break-up. One which I never thought I would recover from; one I am still trying to recover from.  Continue reading

Emotional Trauma & Soul Ties

Recently, I was introduced to something called a “soul tie.” First of all let me explain how I got there. As we are approaching the end of the year I’ve been trying to reevaluate all of the life events that happened to me throughout the year. So I wrote everything down from January 1 up until now, this helped me look at everything the good and the bad, so that I could look at the good and figure out how to make it even better, and look at the bad and use it as a learning experience for the future. The last two years have been the most challenging years of my life. Continue reading

Expectations VS Reality

Parents and guardians are lovely people because they provide for us and take care of us while we grow up. I grew up with both my mom and dad, who had the highest expectations for both me and my brother. I always heard the words “doctor”, “lawyer”, “engineer”, etc. Even from a young age, I knew that it was not something that I wanted to do because all those careers are very closed-minded compared to my personality. I would not be able to be in a career where I am not free to have fun and be myself. I am not saying that the careers my dad wanted me to have are boring, but they are very serious jobs that limit my personality.

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The suffering body

My first year of college I joined the women’s rugby team. I got many comments,especially from my family members, asking me why I would do something like that to my body. Rugby is a tough sport, the only protective gear you’re allowed to use is a mouth guard. It leaves you in pain, covered in cuts and bruises for a week or more after every game. So i’m not surprised when people look at me like I’m crazy after I tell them I play. I don’t play because I like pain or because I have a death wish. I play simply because I enjoy it. Although the aftermath inevitably leaves me sprawled out in bed covered in ice bags, the feeling I get when I’m on the field is worth it. 

I believe the same goes for situations where people go through painful body modification rituals, drink alcohol, or do any other thing that they know hurts their body. They like the way it makes them feel, they enjoy it.

So should we feel bad for doing the things we like doing even though it hurts us?